Top 10 Bird Images of 2021
Looking back at 2021 from a bird photography perspective makes me smile as I managed to capture some decent images of my bucketlist birds.
Here are some of the highlights:
Yellow-billed Kite that caught a HUGE puff adder and landed within a few metres of my car to feed on it - talk about a once in a lifetime moment that lasted a full 15 minutes - read the blog post here
Verreaux’s Eagle successfully hunting a mole before taking to the air and providing me an opportunity to capture a few frames of it’s prized catch tightly clenched in it’s HUGE talons - read the blog post here
Eventually broke the curse and managed a half decent photo of a Rock Kestrel
An adult Grey Tit busy feeding it’s chicks - they work SO hard catching insects and bugs to feed those hungry mouths
Last but not least, the beautiful Black Harrier - read the blog post here
Rock Kestrel
Black Harrier
Juvenile Verreaux’s Eagle
Grey Tit
Acacia Pied Barbet
Yellow-billed Kite
Verreaux’s Eagle
Bar-throated Apalis
Pied Starling
Cannot wait to see what 2022 delivers!
Till next time…